We involve people that will be using the buildings we deliver in every step of the process. Smiles all around as we conducted a site visit for the Mayor, local councillor for Hackney, and staff who will soon be moving their operations into the surgery.
The Primary Care Surgery at Belfast Road will be the new home for the long-established Lower Clapton Group Practice, one of the largest in Hackney.
The project aims to provide high quality primary, community and social care services with the completed facility required to achieve a BREEAM rating of Excellent. The project involves:
- Demolition of existing structures and site clearance
- Design and Construction of a new GP surgery
- Completion of external works
The proposed health care facility falls within Use Class E, which is also the use class of the existing building on site. The surgery will operate 6 days a week, including evenings. Twenty-two new clinical spaces will be provided, broken down as follows:
- 18 consult rooms/consult training rooms.
- 3 treatment rooms
- 1 minor procedures room allowing for very minor operations to be carried out
The internal spaces are set out so as to create easy use and wayfinding for patients, whilst also maintaining privacy for staff.