Neilcott Construction Limited

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Chichester Enterprise Centre

Design and construction of a new Managed Workspace Business Centre, providing a mix of office & workshop units available on flexible letting terms

  • Multi-user
  • Network Rail BAPA
  • Steel Frame

Chichester District Council

JCT Design & Build 


The centre is specifically targeted at the needs of small businesses in the area and is part of the Chichester District Council (CDC) programme of development in the district, with the intention of helping to promote new business opportunities and create jobs. The centre provides a maximum of 84 individual lettable units to cater for the requirements of a wide range of potential start-up and small businesses.

“This dedicated, modern facility will enable businesses to grow and flourish, helping to create new, high quality jobs for local people.”

Gillian Keegan Conservative MP for Chichester

GALLERY IMAGES FOR Chichester Enterprise Centre
