Neilcott Construction Limited

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Project Completion: Maple & Poplar

We are excited to share completion photos of Maple & Poplar, a fantastic scheme for the London Borough of Hillingdon. Following on from our demolition of the vacant Maple & Poplar Day Centre, we provided design & construction of two 3-storey blocks, comprising of 34 affordable units. The block faces an internal courtyard with a user-friendly space, including parking, pathways and landscape improvements.

The scheme has been designed in a way which is sensitive to the existing green areas, and we have used a restricted palette of low maintenance materials, including brick, cladding & UPVC windows, which have all been incorporated within the design so that over time the development is enhanced – as these materials will naturally improve with age.

The Neilcott team, including our Contracts Manager Mark Shambrook, Business Development Director Mark Bone & Hemel Hempstead Regional Director Mark Doyle attended the opening event and are pictured here with London Borough of Hillingdon Councillor Eddie Lavery who is Cabinet Member for Residents Services; Head of Capital Programme Works Services Michael Naughton ; Corporate Director of Place Karrie Whelan & John Rowan and Partners Director Trevor Greenhalgh & Quantity Surveyor Byron Ho.