Neilcott Construction Limited

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Sands End Community & Arts Centre

Refurbishment of the listed Clancarty Lodge & erection of new buildings to provide an arts and community centre.

  • CLT construction
  • Sustainability
  • Listed
  • Refurbishment

LB Hammersmith & Fulham

JCT Intermediate with CDPs


New arts and community centre with café, children’s day nursery, associated landscaping works, cycle parking and new pedestrian entrances. Located within South Park, a designated nature conservation area of local importance, the building takes inspiration from 19th century glasshouses that previously occupied the site, with triangular roof forms and clerestory glazing.  New trees, wildlife garden areas, vertical planting, hedges and habitat walls have created dappled shade and enhanced local biodiversity. 

“A meeting place, a hub of activity across languages, cultures and economic background, a venue for creative expression, a flexible space which encourages the community to be flexible in its use. Perhaps most importantly, it will be what the broader Sands End community want it to be; today and for decades to come.”

Member of the Residents Delivery Group

GALLERY IMAGES FOR Sands End Community & Arts Centre
